Youth Club and choir at St Andrew’s – by DM

Yes, my grandfather was churchwarden over at St Andrews for many, many years and there was a youth club there, well I sang in the choir.  Let’s start from the age of 8 or 9, something like that I was in the church choir and when my voice broke I joined the Youth Club, well I was part of the Youth Club anyway, I suppose,  but I joined the Youth Club there and there were a great lot of activities there and of course in those days when you were a choir boy it was at least two services on a Sunday, always a wedding on a Saturday and you got paid I think it was two and six a week for being in the choir or something and sixpence for a wedding and sixpence for a funeral, things like that. So that’s something I used to do, yes and in the Youth Club we used to arrange cricket games, games of cricket on the Ham Common.  Ham Cricket Club used to allow us to play, on the table, on the cricket table, the cricket pitch and use that there and we used to play other churches and other youth groups there.