Old 71 bus route in Ham – by EB

Yes, it was the 71 then and it used to stop outside my house which would have been 61 then and then it would stop by the Common by the pond and then turned left to go on to Richmond.  I think it just came down Dukes Avenue and turned into Lock Road.  There was no car parking in those day you very rarely saw a car parked.  I think it only went to Kingston and Richmond the same as it does now, I don’t remember it going any further than that. 

When did they change the bus stop? I don’t remember, it just suddenly disappeared.  People used to put their children over the wall as well, and I went out there one day and said “do you mind”, “oh it’s safer for them to be in garden than out here”, I said “no it’s not, you’re in charge of them put them out there”.