Laundry boy at 14 – by CL

Once you got to be 14 you could go to work, and we would work as laundry boys in Richmond.  Used to deliver laundry up Hill Rise and all them places. People used to send their stuff to the laundry didn’t they.  So that was when we used to be delivering the laundry for them up the Hill, you’d go up with a heavy bike and come back empty normally. You could pick up their dirty laundry. I done that for a few years.  They were going to take away my licence to do it once because I couldn’t have been studying hard enough.  You could only do it once you were 14.  She was a hardwoman, that one. 

Where was that?  In Richmond just up the top of Hill Rise, there’s a garage there now, it used to be where the Courts where, an alleyway straight across the road from there where you come in out of Richmond up the hill straight across the road was the Courts and an alleyway up the side, and they were just to the right of it.  I think there’s a petrol station there now, I’m not sure. 

It must have been hard work cycling up the hill?  Oh it was!  With a full load, she used to load you up with whatever you could get, two or three different lots.  There used to be a lot down Queens Road, there used to be a lot down there. Probably living in those big houses in Queens Road. (CL)