Fire Brigade at Ormeley Lodge – by EB

My father was in the fire brigade and during the war they came to Ham and were at Ormeley Lodge which is on the other side of Ham Common, were the Goldsmiths live, and it was the garage and their fire engines in there and it was the garage, what would have been the chauffeur’s accommodation was for the firemen, but my father living so close, always came home.  But at night, they used to do two days on and two days off. 

That’s another thing, my father on his days off he reverted to being a window cleaner and he had his own little round in Sandy Lane in the main houses, Clifford Avenue and Lauderdale Drive, he had a regular clientele on his days off and he always considered that was his money and my mother only had housekeeping from his fire brigade money, that was his money and he used to spend that going to the cinema and he went twice a week to the Ham Institute to play snooker and cards, but that was his money.